Wet Succulent

Review of: Wet Succulent
Terry Majamaki

Reviewed by:
On March 1, 2014
Last modified:March 1, 2014


During a break in the rain I went out and snapped off a few pictures in the garden capturing the fresh water drops on the plants, this one of a succulent covered in water drops turned out really nice and can be used as a wallpaper

The last few days we’ve been getting some much needed rain. California has been going through a very dry and warm winter season, so it’s nice to finally get some rain. Hopefully we’ll get a lot more with some cooler weather so we can get some snow in the mountains.  During a break in the rain I went out and snapped off a few pictures capturing the fresh water drops on the plants, this one of a succulent covered in water drops turned out really nice and can be used as a wallpaper for your computer, tablet, phone or Facebook cover. I hope you enjoy it.

Wet Succulent

Download Wet Succulent

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