My dailymile 2012 Summary
Here is my dailymile 2012 summary. The annual summary that shows off your logged miles and activity for the year. In looking back at my dailymile 2011 summary from last year, there is a pretty big difference.
Leona Valley Trail Half Marathon
On September 29th of 2012, Jenny and I ran the Leona Valley Trail Races half marathon event that takes place in Lake Hughes within the Antelope Valley.
The Great Wall of China Marathon
The past several weeks in our home have been focused on The Great Wall of China Marathon. Partnered with the event creator to build a new Website to help promote the event and bring in more customers for an incredible annual journey
Pasadena Marathon Bike Tour
First year attending the Pasadena Marathon Bike Tour event, a road bike race that I did on my mountain bike with solid results for my first road ride. I share my experience of the event that Jenny and I attended.
Wild Wild West
A select handful of photos from the Wild Wild West Marathon event in the Mt. Whitney and Lone Pine area that turned out really nice as wallpapers, they showcase a little bit of the beauty of the local mountains and nature. Download wallpapers for your desktop, iPad, iPhone, and Facebook Cover.
Wild Wild West Marathon
This weekend we attended the 34th Annual Wild Wild West Marathon that took place in the foothills of Mt. Whitney in Lone Pine, California. My first 10 mile trail run event, I share my experience about the whole trip.
Santa Barbara Sunrise
On the morning of the 2011 Santa Barbara Marathon I caught a few gorgeous photos, marina sunrise and Sambos, to download for your desktop, iPad, iPhone, and now for Facebook Timeline Cover.
34th Annual Firecracker Run
Ever participated in the L.A. Chinatown Firecracker run? Well I completed the 5k run with my best time yet. I share my experience of the event and day along with some great photos, enjoy!
My dailymile 2011 Summary
Reviewing my dailymile 2011 annual summary report showing the total miles combined from my running and mountain biking, plus it shows how many pounds I burned off for the year!
Los Angeles Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon 2011
My first Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon run, I did the 5k run while Jenny did the half marathon. I share my experience on the excitement and energy of the event.
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