Hauli Sunset

Review of: Hauli Sunset
Terry Majamaki

Reviewed by:
On August 9, 2012
Last modified:August 14, 2012


Beautiful late afternoon sun light that became a great sunset, I took advantage of the light to capture the natural beauty of Hauli Huvila.

Bumble Bee DaisyThis past weekend we went to the Finnish camp Hauli Huvila for their Golf and Games weekend. While we skipped the actual golfing, it turned out to be a more intimate and smaller crowd this weekend compared to our previous visit on Memorial Day Weekend, which was packed and very rowdy.

The real plus was the King’s River was flowing much higher than the last time we were there. It was around 6 to 9 feet deep with a nice current flowing along. It was perfect for jumping in to cool off from the hot and humid 90°-100° degree weather. The river water was cool and felt really refreshing, especially right after taking sauna. In addition to keeping us cool, it was perfect conditions to go raft floating down the river.

Welcome To Hauli Huvila

Here’s a short video I shot on my phone showing Ryan, Mark, Mikael, Roy, and Jenny in the King’s River.


We took lots of photos over the weekend using various cameras, including my Nexus One phone, iPad, a waterproof Canon PowerShot D10, and the Nikon D5100 with the new Sigma 70-300mm lens I picked up last month on Amazon‘s daily deal. Like last time on my Hauli Huvila Wallpapers post, this time I got some great shots. On the Friday evening we were getting a beautiful late afternoon sun light that lead into a fantastic sunset. I took advantage of the light and went out to capture some of the natural beauty around Hauli Huvila. Here is a series of sunset photos, all shot with the Nikon using the Sigma lens. Each one turned out really nice on their own, but after a little bit of retouching and correcting in Lightroom they really started to come to life with great depth and vivid richness.

Desktop Resolution Update

I’ve made these available as wallpapers to download for your desktop, iPad, iPhone, and Facebook cover. The desktop size has now been bumped up to 3840×2400 size to support the latest large resolution desktops including Apple‘s new MacBook Pro with Retina display. I debated on making the iPhone versions to the rumored iPhone 5 size of 640×1136, but that size had not been confirmed yet, however the iPad versions are at the new iPad with Retina display size of 2048×2048. Click on each one to get a larger preview or click on the desktop link to experience the full resolution.

Hauli Sunset

Hauli Sunset

Download Hauli Sunset

Desktop iPad iPhone Facebook

Wild Daisy Silhouette

Wild Daisy Silhouette

Download Wild Daisy Silhouette

Desktop iPad iPhone Facebook

Glowing Sun

Glowing Sun

Download Glowing Sun

Desktop iPad iPhone Facebook

Bumble Bee Daisy

Bumble Bee Daisy

Download Bumble Bee Daisy

Desktop iPad iPhone Facebook

White Thistle

White Thistles

Download White Thistles

Desktop iPad iPhone Facebook

King’s River

King's River

Download King’s River

Desktop iPad iPhone Facebook

Download Hauli Sunset Wallpapers


I hope you enjoy these wallpapers for your desktop, iPad, iPhone, and Facebook cover. If you have any thoughts please feel free to share them in the comments below.


  1. Hauli Huvila Website by Terry Majamaki on October 2, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    […] has to offer for its guests and visitors. More DetailsLast time we visited Hauli Huvila during the Golf and Games weekend in early August, I was asked about possibly updating the Hauli Huvila website. The existing site […]

  2. […] Click here to view and download Terry’s Hauli Sunset Wallpapers. « Golf & Games 2012 Labor Day 2012 » […]

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