Gnomes N’ Kale
This week I did some gardening and planted various veggies and fruit throughout our garden yard, the sun was out, it was warm and felt really good to soak it all in. The main area I use for vegetable gardening gets about two thirds of the days sunshine. The veggies grow fairly well in the early part of spring and usually thrive in the hot 100° summer days, but not as much the last few years, the garden patch gets shadowed by our fruit trees which have more than doubled in size over the last few years, so it gets less sun as the trees begin to fill in the leaves and fruit. Which does not work as well for some veggies that require full sun to properly grow.
Weathered Buddha
Yesterday I spent most of the day in the garden, preparing and planting some seasonal vegetables and fruits that will grow over the next 3 to 6 months. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year to be in the garden, it’s when life begins to push itself out of the dormant trees, vines, and plants, they start reaching for the blue sky and warm sun, ready to grow and transform our garden into a beautiful lush paradise.
Top 10 Games of 2013
Each year gamers are bombarded with a wide variety of games to enjoy and 2013 was no exception. There are always many to choose from with a handful of truly exceptional must play games that we enjoyed in 2013. Plus we witnessed the launch of the next generation of consoles that is going to fill the next decade with a plethora of games.
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