Skyrim Maps

Review of: Skyrim Maps
Bethesda Softworks

Reviewed by:
On December 21, 2011
Last modified:July 29, 2013


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim map, over 25 different maps of Skyrim for your viewing pleasure, regional, detail, in large wallpaper and desktop sizes.

The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimNo doubt that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a massive game of epic proportions and it can be a very daunting task to locate and experience every location the game has to offer. A good map is helpful unless you leave yourself to explore for hours on end, which isn’t a bad thing if you have the time.

I had posted GameBanshee’s map on my Lost in the Nordic wonderland of Skyrim post, along with 30 amazing HD quality game screens from Dead End Thrills, and noticed that the majority of the search terms to the page were for Skyrim Map or some variation of it. Apparently a lot of people are searching for images of Skyrim’s world map, so I thought I’d gather a plethora of Skyrim maps of all types to share with everyone. All of these are from various sites that I’ve found online, but I think that the original one I found by GameBanshee is still one of the most useful ones as it contains most, if not all, the locations.

The maps are grouped into the following Skyrim Map sections:

Note: the larger views will scale to the size of your browser window or screen, however most map images are much larger, thus I have provided a link to the large file to access and download. Additionally I’ve provided links to the original source if I was able to find it.

Skyrim Location Maps

Skyrim Map by GameBansheeGameBanshee’s massive Skyrim location map is so big that I can’t post it here, it’s 9.34MB, big enough to print out on large format as seen below. Plus they have a 9-page PDF version you can download for easier viewing. Go to their site and download it. Wikia now has an interactive Skyrim Map based on this same map. It looks like someone has made a site dedicated to another interactive Skyrim Map.

Printed Skyrim Map by GameBanshee

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Map by PrimagamesPrima Games Skyrim Locations Map.

Skyrim Map Locations


Skyrim Region Maps

Skyrim Map by Mottis86A reddit user named Mottis86 made this Skyrim map in Flash, the original is massive. Thank you Mottis86!

Skyrim Map by Thomas FischbachMap made by Thomas Fischbach. Thank you Thomas!

Dirty Skyrim Map by Soalce GraceDirty Skyrim Map by Solace Grace. Thank you Solace Grace!

Skyrim Map by The One PistolSkyrim Map Regions GrayThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Map Colored Cities and Regions

Skyrim Leather Map Hand Painted by Draakan aka Charles BonnellAn impressive start to hand drawn and inked map on leather by Draakan. Thank you Draakan!

Skyrim Map Exported with TES4qlod by Ocean LightwaveA strange map of Skyrim made by Ocean Lightwave using unique techniques. Thank you Ocean Lightwave!

Skyrim Map by Mottis86, modded by OT[fl0k]An alternate style Skyrim map by reddit user named Mottis86, modded by OT[fl0k]. Thank you Mottis86 and OT[fl0k]!

Skyrim Map Satilite ViewSkyrim Region Map Color


Location In Game Skyrim Map View

Skyrim East Map In GameSkyrim West Map In Game


Skyrim Dragonstone Map

The Dragonstone is retrieved from the Drugar Overlord in Bleak Falls Barrow. On the front is a map showing other locations with Dragon Burial sites.
Skyrim Dragonstone MapSkyrim Dragonstone Map Closeup


Skyrim Collectors Map

Province of Skyrim Collector MapProvince of Skyrim Map CloseupProvince of Skyrim Collector Map Closeup on Riften

Skyrim Desktop Wallpaper Map


Skyrim Map on Bethesda’s Wall

Skyrim Map at Bethesda with Todd HowardSkyrim Map at Bethesda Softworks


Tamriel Maps

Tamriel Map By RowennTamriel Map on WhiteTamriel Atlas Map by ArthmodeusHigh Rock, Hammerfell, Skyrim Map


Skyrim & Cyrodiil Combo Map

Cyrodiil Skyrim Combo Map


Skyrim Map Resources

That’s a lot of different maps for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and the greater Tamriel region. Did this help in your search for a good Skyrim map? What are your thoughts on Skyrim and its massive world? Please feel free to share your thoughts below and thanks for reading.



  1. […] Details Source: Title : skyrim map – over 25 different maps of skyrim to map out your journey Dimension : […]

  2. Sebastian Guminiczak on February 8, 2015 at 3:18 am

    Ja poszukuję miejsca Orotheim.

  3. Serene Johnson on February 28, 2014 at 7:39 am

    why are so many maps missing Hjaalmarch?

  4. Vera Lenora on August 30, 2012 at 9:42 pm

    Are there any mods or add-ons or updates that simply improve the existing mapping system? More detail, perhaps color. I keep getting confused while trying to explore certain areas.

  5. Skyr on February 20, 2012 at 1:39 am

    Here’s a searchable, interactive map with all locations:

    • Terry Majamaki on February 24, 2012 at 12:35 pm

      Oh that’s a great map tool for the game. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hockey Glory’s Best and Worst of 2011 | GamerVets on January 17, 2012 at 11:44 am

    […] end to the other in a reasonable amount of time, but there are so many caves, towns, shrines and random stuff littered everywhere that a completionist gamer will take forever to do everything.  I tried doing that in F3 and gave […]

  7. Top 10 Games of 2011 by Terry Majamaki on December 29, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    […] locations to be discovered and explored. It is so big that I decided to write a post about all the Skyrim Maps I could find online. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the ultimate action, adventure, role-playing […]

  8. […] sizes and depth with their own unique challenges.For more Skyrim maps and styles, checkout my Skyrim Maps […]

  9. Skyrim Maps | Game Review Guide on December 22, 2011 at 3:36 am

    […] here: Skyrim Maps Game Review Guide1030 E. Hwy 377, Ste 110 Pmb […]

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