Google Android Bots

Terry Majamaki

Reviewed by:
On October 9, 2011
Last modified:August 14, 2012


Six desktops of the official Google Android Bots, mini collectables playing outside, available for your desktop, iPad, and iPhone.

Last week while out shopping Jenny found some of the official Google Android Bots, mini collectables that come in various design styles. They seem to be a bit rare and hard to come by so I was pretty stoked when she surprised me.  I caught a few shots of them playing in our backyard, here are six shots that turned out pretty nice and can be used for desktops. The Google Android Bots are Flirting, Stalking, a CoupleClassic and Active. Enjoy!


Google Android Bots Flirting


Google Android Bots Stalking

Stalking 2

Google Android Bots Stalking 2


Google Android Bots Couple


Classic Google Android Bot


Active Google Android Bot



Do you have any of the Google bots? Please feel free to share your thoughts below, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the desktops!


  1. Basith27 on April 4, 2012 at 6:10 am

    can i use this for my facebook timeline cover photo?

    • Terry Majamaki on April 4, 2012 at 9:49 pm

      Absolutely. I haven’t made cover sizes of these older ones, however there is one of the couple @

      • Basith27 on April 8, 2012 at 5:56 am

         Thank You!

  2. […] around with a few older photos, one of them being the Google Android Bots Couple from a series of Google Android Bot desktops I posted back in October of […]

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