Cambria Cliff Rock

Terry Majamaki

Reviewed by:
On September 29, 2011
Last modified:August 14, 2012


High definition desktop wallpaper available for download, also iPad and iPhone sizes. Taken from the small Cambria neighborhood beach.

Cambria Cliff RockTook this photo back in March of 2009 on a road trip to Cambria, California. We stayed at the Cambria Pines Lodge and hooked up with some friends to go wine tasting in the Paso Robles region. From the lodge, cross HWY 1 and drive down through the coastal neighborhood until you come up on a staircase that will take you down to the this nice little beach with tide pools.  It’s a beautiful area that is fairly isolated, a good spot to meditate and simply enjoy the sounds of the ocean.  We snapped off a handful pictures and got some that turned out nice enough to make good desktop wallpaper or screen saver images. This one is the cliff rocks off the side of the staircase looking towards the ocean in the distance.   I always felt was the strongest one for a wallpaper, I made some minor color adjustments to enrich the colors and focus. Enjoy.


Desktop iPad iPhone Zip


Have you enjoyed Cambria and its beautiful coastline? What are your thoughts on it? Please feel free to share your thoughts below and thanks for reading.


  1. Wallace Wood on October 6, 2011 at 10:43 am

    Cambria Pines is a little jewel on the coast–an actual jewel, since Moonstones can be found now and then searching on the jade beach there.
    It is not far to Hearst Castle, and luckily its remote location still preserves this lovely community.
    Glad you stopped. The restaurants are good (if you search out the jewels there, too). And I will never forget staying at the Cambria Pines Inn.
    —-Woody from Santa Cruz, another nice but larger tourist town along the Poor People’s Riviera of California

  2. Jenny Majamaki on October 3, 2011 at 10:54 am

    Amazing photos!

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