Turning 41

Sunrise in Valencia

Turned 41 years old today. I suppose it means I’m no longer a young adult and finally moving into a so-called “normal” adulthood or something like that. Yet I still feel like someone in their twenties at times, only my body doesn’t quite agree.

I visited the doctors on Friday and he said I’m good and healthy except for being a bit overweight. I weighed in at 225 and I need get down to my normal body weight of 190 pounds.

So this morning I woke up at 5:30 and decided that its time to introduce a new daily exercise routine into my lifestyle. I went jogging around our neighborhood, while only a mile this morning in about 8 minutes it felt really good.

Going forward I’m going to start getting up half an hour earlier, go for an early morning run around our neighborhood then jump in the shower and head off the work.  As build up my stamina I’ll increase the distance and time until I can run non stop for at least half an hour. I’m looking forward to doing it every morning (unless I’m mountain biking).

Here I am on July 31st at the San Francisco Marathon 5k start line…

Terry Majamaki at the San Francisco Marathon 5k Start


  1. My dailymile 2012 Summary by Terry Majamaki on February 5, 2013 at 2:27 pm

    […] mentally committing to getting in better shape and overall health since turning 41, I’ve definitely been more consistent in getting out of the house and exercising on a […]

  2. Turning 42 by Terry Majamaki on September 22, 2012 at 5:52 pm

    […] too hard.I needed to make a lifestyle change in my life to improve my health.As I wrote when I turned 41, I began running regularly as the starting point. I did over 60 days nonstop of running 6 days a […]

  3. My dailymile 2011 Summary by Terry Majamaki on January 10, 2012 at 5:39 pm

    […] of 2010. At first I was using it to track my mountain biking miles. Then in late September, when I turned 41, I decided that I needed to start running regularly to stay in better shape, and I was using it to […]

  4. Terry Majamaki on October 12, 2011 at 9:24 am

    24 days later and I’m still getting up at 5:30 am and running 6 days a week. I started with 1 mile and now I’m up to 1.5 miles, in a few weeks I should be going up to 2 miles. I’m logging my daily progress on dailymile @ http://www.dailymile.com/people/terry_majamaki

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