Sculpterra Desktops

Terry Majamaki

Reviewed by:
On September 30, 2011
Last modified:August 14, 2012


Excellent photos of the Eagles and Fishtail sculptures from Sculpterra winery wallpapers available for your desktop, iPad, and iPhone.

Sculpterra EaglesSculpterra FishtailAfter posting the Cambria Cliff Rock desktop, I thought I’d share a few more of the desktop quality photos from that trip. These two desktops, titled Sculpterra Eagles and Sculpterra Fishtail, are from Sculpterra Winery, a winery on the east side of Paso Robles.  They have a beautiful sculpture garden surrounding the wine tasting room. Its great to get some wine tasting in and then wonder around the garden with a glass of wine. These were shot in March of 2009, the eagles is on one of the building walls and the tail of this great fish sculpture. I love the bronze color that we got from these on a beautiful sunny day. You can see more of the sculpture garden from my Flickr photo set, or from their site. I made some minor color adjustments to enrich the colors and focus. Enjoy.



Have you enjoyed Scultperra wines and their sculpture garden? What are your thoughts on it? Please feel free to share your thoughts below and thanks for reading.

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