Hauli Summer Sunset


Last weekend was the annual Golf & Games Weekend at Hauli Huvila. Usually one of the more mellow event weekends and this year had a very small group. The Kings river was flowing high enough to jump in and go floating. It was really nice.  The sunsets there are always beautiful, but they often turn out amazing when you've got some clouds in the sky. On Friday it was clear sky at sunset, but on Saturday we had some nice clouds and it made for a beautiful sunset. I captured this photo on my HTC One phone, so it's not as high quality as I usually get from my Nikon, but it did turn out spectacular. It almost looks like a painting. After a little retouching to clean up the artifacts and noise, the final photo manages to work out well as a full screen desktop or screen saver photo.  I've made the usual sizes here to fit as a wallpaper for your computer, iPad, phone and Facebook cover.  Download and enjoy!

Download Hauli Summer Sunset

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