Hanging Succulent Blossoms

Terry Majamaki

Reviewed by:
On February 19, 2012
Last modified:August 14, 2012


Here are two photos I took this week showcasing a hanging bundles of succulent blossoms that you can use as wallpapers for your desktop, iPad (now in iPad 3 size), iPhone, and now for Facebook Timeline Cover.

I love this time of year in the garden, especially the succulents. They are blooming with rich vibrant colors and uniquely complex textures and patterns that provide wonderful depth to our backyard garden. This week I took a handful of great photos that I’m going to be posting here over the next week. Here are two photos showcasing hanging bundles of succulent blossoms that you can use as wallpapers for your desktop, iPad (now in iPad 3 size), iPhone, and now in Facebook Timeline Cover size. Feel free to share and I hope you enjoy them.

Golden Succulent Blossoms

Golden Succulent Blossoms

Hanging Tiger Blossoms

Hanging Tiger Blossoms



Do you enjoy succulent plants? Please feel free to share your thoughts below, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the desktops!

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